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  • Johnny Loreti

Effective ways to stay motivated to work out

Updated: 3 days ago

4 Ways to Stay Motivated for Working Out

Whether you’re trying to lose weight, gain muscle, tone up, or just get active to live an overall healthy lifestyle, working out is a crucial part of the process. While some enjoy working out, for others it can seem more like a chore. Keeping up the motivation to workout is easier for some than others. If you’re someone that struggles with staying motivated, we have some tips to keep you on track.

Make a goal to improve work performance.

Make a goal to improve work performance.

When you’re trying to achieve anything in life, setting goals is one of the first steps you should take to lay out a clear plan for yourself. Short term and long term goals will give you something to work towards on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. For many people, it helps to write out these goals somewhere that you’ll see them often, and remind you to keep pushing even on the days you’re lacking motivation.

Create a Routine

 Create a Routine

While it may seem like people that regularly go to the gym are always motivated, this certainly isn’t the case. When motivation isn’t there, discipline is what kicks in. Creating a schedule for yourself that determines exact days and times you’ll be at the gym, it won’t seem like an option anymore. That’s what’s on your schedule, so that’s where you’ll be.

If you put it off all day, go back and forth on whether or not you want to work out that day, chances are, you’ll be able to talk yourself out of it. Finding something that works for you and your schedule is also key. Some people may get in better workouts in the morning, while some are night owls. Test out what works for you and fits into your schedule best. Give yourself a clear routine that’ll be easy to follow and stick to for the long-term.

Make it Fun

 Make it Fun

It’s hard to stay motivated for something that you’re dreading. If you’ve been doing the same old workouts day in and day out for months, no only are you going to get bored of them, but your body will also get used to them and your results will plateau (and what’s less motivating than seeing no results?). Switch up your routines, add new exercises, and most importantly, make it fun! Adding variety into your workouts will keep them exciting and constantly challenge you in new ways.

Hire a Personal Trainer

 Hire a Personal Trainer

If you’re lacking the motivation to workout, sometimes all you need is a little boost from an expert! A personal trainer will constantly be pushing you past your limits, keeping your workouts exciting, and motivating you to be the best you can! At Back Bay Fit, our certified personal trainers are ready to help you get in the best shape of your life and stick to your goals. Contact us today to set up your free consultation and get started!


How can I stay motivated to work out regularly?

  • Consistency is key! Establish a routine and stick to it. Set achievable goals, celebrate your progress, and find activities you enjoy to keep yourself motivated.

What are some strategies to overcome workout boredom?

  • Mix it up! Try different types of exercises, switch your routine regularly, or join group classes to keep things interesting. Incorporating music, podcasts, or audiobooks can also make workouts more enjoyable.

How can I stay motivated when I'm feeling tired or unmotivated?

  • Focus on the benefits! Remind yourself of why you started exercising in the first place, whether it's improving your health, boosting your mood, or reaching a specific goal. Break your workouts into smaller, manageable chunks if needed, and don't be too hard on yourself on low-energy days.

What role does accountability play in staying motivated for working out?

  • Accountability can be a powerful motivator. Partnering up with a friend or hiring a personal trainer can help keep you accountable. Joining fitness communities or using apps that track your progress and allow you to connect with others can also provide support and encouragement.

How can I stay motivated for working out in the long term?

  • Make it a lifestyle! Focus on building sustainable habits rather than quick fixes. Set realistic goals, prioritize self-care, and listen to your body. Celebrate your achievements along the way and be open to adjusting your routine as your needs and interests evolve.

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